Given: The 3 phases are isolated and connected as 3 single phase outputs. Each output is rectified to DC using a single phase bridge rectifier.
At 666 rpm, generator voltage Vs = 65 Volts.
Voltage across Rs = 65 - 48 Vs = 17 Volts
Ploss = V2/R
Power Lost = 172/5.6 Ploss= 51.6 watts per phase
Efficiency of generator = 144/(144+51.6) Efficiency = 73.6%
The airfoil cross sections were cut out of 3 mm aluminium sheets. These sheets were bolted to a steel frame, spaced at appropriate distances and aligned.
The gaps between the airfoil sections were filled with aluminium tape and the back of the tape was fibre glassed in place. Wax and mould release was applied to it and two positive moulds were made.
The moulds were sanded down using the aluminium impressions as a guide. Wax and mould release was applied to the positive moulds (in Figure 8) and new negative moulds were made out of fibreglass and carbon fibre (Figure 9).
Careful detailing of the positive mould produced a perfect negative mould. This final negative mould was waxed and mould release was applied. CSM fibreglass (220 g) with vinyl ester resin was applied to each mould. The two mould halves were clamped together after the resin had gelled and the blade was removed after curing.
The blades were sanded and wrapped in carbon fibre, using an additional carbon fibre layer around the hub section. The finished blades are extremely light weight.
4. Testing the wind turbine
The wind turbine was bolted to a trailer and the rpm, voltage and tsr was measured by connecting the generator to a very high power multi-tap resistor. The turbine was allowed to speed up to an open circuit voltage of 65 V (666 rpm) before the resistor load was connected.
Measurement of results from the wind turbine
Note: Our method of turbine testing generated turbulent wind, affecting efficiency. The results should be used as a guide only
Rs is the resistance of the generator windings plus the power cable; 5.75 ohms
Rl is the resistance of the load; 6.6, 10, 15, 21.5 and 25 ohms
Power generated by the blades was calculated by dividing measured power by the efficiency of the generator.
Once the blades have been characterized a new generator will be designed.
Power generated by the blades is calculated using the following method:
Voltage across the resistor load was measured (Vl),
Vs = Vl x [(Rs + Rl) / Rl ]
Power produced by blades and lost in the generator, power cable and resistor load is given by;
P = V2/R
P = Vs2 / (Rs+Rl)
Rotational speed (rpm)
Power (watts)
Blade efficiency
Tip speed (km/h)
Tip speed ratio
Frequently asked questions about plan orders, blade design, electrical work and generator matching can be found on our Q&A pages.
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1 kW Wind Turbine (12.5 m/s) 2-Blades (Carbon fibre), 1.8 Metre Diameter & Induction motor to PMA conversion
A 1 kW @ 12.5 m/s (2 kW @ 17 m/s), 1.8 metre diameter wind turbine was designed and constructed using carbon fibre composites. The generator was built by converting an induction motor into a permanent magnet generator. Blade power and efficiency have been measured at different tip-speed-ratios and a maximum efficiency of 30% at a TSR of 11.6 was recorded. These results verify the accuracy of calculations from the blade calculator software. Total cost of the generator and blades was less than AU$200.
Keywords: Wind power, Permanent Magnet Generator, Induction motor to PMA conversion, 1kw wind turbine, carbon fibre wind turbine blades
40 Amp car alternator rotor with magnets attached
40 Amp car alternator rotor with magnets fibre glassed in place
The alternators rotor was turned down on a lathe to accommodate neodymium magnets.
Design of a permanent magnet generator was necessary to test and characterise the blade set. Conversion of a 40 amp car alternator to a permanent magnet generator was attempted.
1. Construction of the Permanent Magnet Generator
Figure 2. 40 Amp car alternator rotor with magnets fibre glassed in place
Figure 1. 40 Amp car alternator rotor with magnets attached
- Six magnets were carefully placed on a slight angle to reduce cogging of the generator.
- The magnets were fibre glassed in place with two strips of carbon fibre.
Sheet metal was placed inside the stator to shield the magnetic field from aluminium.
Without the sheet metal lining, significant power was lost in the aluminium.
Figure 3. 40 Amp car alternator stator with shielding
Figure 4. Completed conversion of the 40 Amp car alternator
Power output was measured to be less than 500 watts at the rpm of the designed blades. The generator will not produce enough power for the 1.8m diameter blades, it is more suited to 1.0m diameter blades with a high tip-speed-ratio.
Figure 5. Completed conversion of a 1/4 hp induction motor
Power output was measured to be more than 2000 watts at the rotational speed for the designed blades. This generator produces enough power for the 1.8 m diameter blades.
V = IR rearranged to; V/R = I
Current into battery = 17/5.6 I = 3 amps per phase
Calculate power using; P = VI
The wind turbine blades were designed using the warlock engineering blade calculator program. The airfoil chosen was NACA2412 and a two bladed turbine was designed to have a tip-speed-ratio of 10.
Figure 7. Wind turbine airfoil cross-sections bolted to a frame
Figure 8. Positive moulds of wind turbine blades
Figure 9. Negative moulds of wind turbine blades
Figure 10. 1.8 m blade set
Rs = resistance of each phase of the generator
Power into battery = 48 x 3 P = 144 watts per phase
(432 watts for all 3 phases)
3. Design and construction of the wind turbine blades
Figure 11. Turbine testing
Results from the turbine test are tabulated below.
Figure 12. Efficiency vs TSR
Figure 13. Measured Power. Power (Watts) vs Speed (m/s)
The carbon fibre blades maintained a peak efficiency of 27% for all TSR values between 10:1 and 14:1. The maximum power generated was 2.0 kW at 60 km/h wind speed.
Total cost $181
Two Blades $14
Moulds $72
Magnets $80
Induction motor $15
System cost (AUD)
6. Total cost of the wind turbine
The same technique was used to convert a larger 1/4 hp induction motor into a 8 pole / 3 phase PMG.
Power output was measured to be less than 500 watts at the rpm of the designed blades. The generator will not produce enough power for the 1.8 m diameter blades, it is more suited to 1.0 m diameter blades with a high tip-speed-ratio.
25 ohm
21.5 ohm
15 ohm
10 ohm
6 ohm
30 km/h
40 km/h
50 km/h
60 km/h
The generator has zero cogging, this is due to the angled magnets and the 2 mm air gap between the rotor and stator. It is configured for 3 phase, each phase measuring 5.6 ohms. Output voltage is 130 Vrms at 1333 rpm, increasing linearly with rpm.
Free sample chord sections can be generated for 0.70 m to 0.80 m blades (550 Watts - 710 Watts).
Design custom blades for your generator and calculate power output at each wind speed.
By comparison, the typical TSR for wood carved blades is 7:1. Although they are cheaper to produce, wood blades rotate at half the RPM, reducing the generators power output to 25%
Rs = 5.6 Ohms
1.4 Metre Diameter 3-Blade Wind Turbine Construction
Warlock Engineering conduct research on wind energy technology. Our main objective has always been to reduce the cost without sacrificing the wind turbines performance or reliability. All turbines have been built for a fraction of the cost of commercial wind turbines with basic tools found in any home workshop.
Reports on chemical and electrical research areas are included.
10 kW (13 m/s), 5 Metre Diameter Carbon Fibre Blades
A 10 kW wind turbine blade set has been built for use with the 10 kW, 15 phase Axial flux pancake generator. When attached to the turbine it is estimated to produce approx 4-5 kW of electrical power at 50% efficiency with 8-10 kW of mechanical power driving the generator. The total cost of the turbine blades was AU$405 and the blades were constructed with typical home-workshop tools.Click here to read more...
1.8 Metre Diameter Carbon Fibre Turbine Blades & Generator
A 1 kW @ 12.5 m/s (2 kW @ 17 m/s) 1.8 metre diameter wind turbine was designed and constructed out of carbon fibre. The generator was built by converting an induction motor into a permanent magnet generator. The wind turbine blades power and efficiency has been measured at different tip-speed-ratios and a maximum efficiency of 30% at a TSR of 11.6 was recorded, verifying the blade calculators accuracy.Click here to read more...
The Darrieus Disaster
We decided to construct a prototype 2 kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) using a straight blade Darrieus design. The Darrieus vertical axis windmill was patented in 1927 by the French Inventor Georges Darrieus and is a lesser known alternative to the typical 3 bladed HAWT.Click here to read more...
1.4 Metre Diameter 3-Blade Wind Turbine Construction
A 1.4 metre diameter wind turbine was designed and constructed out of kevlar/glass composite material. The blades have been designed to produce useable power in 30 km/h (8 m/s, 150 W) to 60 km/h (16.6 m/s, 1 kW) wind speeds. This 3-blade turbine was constructed using an inverse camber NACA2412 airfoil. The blade power and efficiency was measured at various tip-speed-ratios.Click here to read more...
10 kW Axial Flux Pancake Generator for 2-Blade Wind Turbine
A 10 kW permanent magnet electric generator has been built and tested for use with a high tsr 5 m blade diameter wind turbine. The system was configured for 15 phase, 15 coils and 16 poles. Each coil is individually rectified to dc, reducing cogging and allowing better control over the output voltage.Click here to read more...
Construction of a Wind Turbine Dump-Load Charge Controller
Overcharging lead-acid batteries shortens life and capacity. If the battery voltage is not kept below 14.4 Volts permanent capacity loss will occur. Voltage regulation is typically achieved by either stopping the wind turbine by shorting the generators EMF or by diverting (dumping) the power into a resistive load (heater). A universal 4-stage dump-load charge controller circuit (with load) was designed and built.Click here to read more...
In the course of investigations into microwave assisted chemical reactions, problems were encountered due to the reaction scale upon which many commercial reactors are currently operating. Obtaining reasonable quantities of material (more than 10g) became laborious and it was also discovered that many solvents with low dielectric absorption were heated due to the ferrite core of the stirrer bar heating up.Click here to read more...
Dielectric Loss Factor (e") Measurement Over RF Frequencies Between 0.1 - 40.0 GHz for Common Organic Chemicals.
Using an Agilent Network Analyzer with open ended dielectric measurement probe (85070e dielectric probe kit), the ‘loss factor’ (e’’) of common organic solvents has been measured between the range 0.1 to 40.0 GHz. Measurements were conducted in 250 mL pyrex reaction vessels filled with 125 mL of solvent, the end of the probe submersed to a depth of 5 mm.Click here to read more...
Deconstruction of a 300 MHz Cryomagnet for NMR Spectroscopy
A decommissioned 300 MHz (7 T) superconducting cryomagnet was deconstructed and the insulation necessary to house the superconducting magnet at 4 K was progressively removed. The liquid nitrogen and liquid helium vessels were removed separately. The magnetic core was then dismantled.Click here to read more...
Short calculations are fast to carry out using a calculator application designed specifically for each task. Software written to simplify our ongoing research is incorporated into web based apps. Apps for domestic use have been designed upon request as a range of separate calculators.Click here to go to app...
Wind Turbine Blade Calculator
Efficient design of wind turbine blades requires solving several equations involving the lift coefficient and angle of attack for the airfoil of interest. This page allows you to specify the number of blades, required TSR, approx efficiency of blades, the blade radius and wind speed.Click here to read more...Click here to go to app...
Free: Chord sections for 2 or 3 blade wind turbines with a radius between 0.70 and 0.80 meters (2.30 - 2.62 ft). Custom chord sections outside this range can be purchased from $4.95, please send us your specifications. Click here to go to app...
The Wind Turbine Blade Calculator Game
Wind Turbine Blade Calculator 2011: Design your own wind turbine. Specify wind turbine blade diameter, RPM and power to show 3d airfoil cross-sections. Built-in game to play.Click here to go to app...
Vintage Computer Simulator
Simulation of a Vintage Computer from the early 1970's. This is a sample of one of a great number of conversational programs. In a sense, it is like a AI program except that its responses are just good fun.Click here to go to app...